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cover-ped4-2015The journal «Pedagogy and Psychology of Education» specializes in highlighting scientifically based solutions to pedagogical and psychological problems at all levels of the system of continuous education – from preschool to additional – formal, non-formal and informal.

All articles submitted for publication are reviewed. The basis of the publication decision is scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the manuscript presented, the quantitative and qualitative validity of the results and conclusions.

Articles reflecting the main results of original research, as well as scientific reviews and reviews of monographs, textbooks and study guides, are accepted for publication. Scientific reviews should present a theoretical analysis of the problem areas, based on the specific conceptual positions of the author of the review.

The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed editions recommended for publishing doctoral research results by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (Scientific directions: General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education; Theory and methods of training and education; Theory and methods of vocational education; General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology; Pedagogical psychology)

The journal is included in the system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index in the sphere  “Psychology’’, “Education. Pedagogy”.

ISSN 2500-297Х

The journal is registered in the Press Committee of the Russian Federation.

Mass media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77-67764 dated 17.11.2016

The journal is published quarterly (March, June, September, December).

The issue volume is 150 pages.

Subscription index of the journal according to the United catalog “Press of Russia” is 85003.

E-mail of the editors: izdat_mgopu@mail.ru

The phone number of the Editorial Office: +7 (499) 400-02-48 (ext. 1151)



Alexander Anufriev